Before you get into this page, there's an existential matter to deal with. In this fleeting life we are prone to kiss the real thing goodbye and cling to the unreal and the transitory. We hear about a woman named Orpah who did that. When she kissed goodbye the weeping widow destined to raise none other than the grandfather of King David, Orpah was surely kissing the real thing goodbye. Orpah was not just kissing Naomi goodbye; Orpah was also kissing goodbye the blessing that comes from blessing the Jewish people (Gen.12:3). How often this happens today. Orpah was a Moabite woman, the daughter-in-law of Naomi and the widow of Naomi's son Chilion. When she returned to her idols and her heathen relatives and her anti-Jewish goyishe religion and said goodbye to the Elokim Chayim and the Messianic People of Destiny, the Jewish People, what a future she forfeited! These things were written as a warning to us. An idol is anything worthless that we try to use as a substitute for the Elokim Emes. An idol could be money and the things that money can buy, position, fame, prestige, anything; and practicing idolatry is so deceitful that our pride hardly lets us know that we are doing it. When Orpah said goodbye to the weeping widow of Israel, she also said goodbye to the G-d of Israel, unfortunately. And what a future Orpah forfeited! O how her sister Ruth could have shouted for joy in testifying of the Messianic blessings of the Jewish people that were soon to be bestowed in the harvest fields of Bethlehem! But one sister (Ruth) was taken for a great blessing, and one sister (Orpah) opted out. What a blessing I would also have forfeited if I too had made an "Orpah" decision in 1971 like some "doubting Thomas" seminarians I remember who were my classmates at that time in California. How gracious the Elokim Chayim was not to let that happen to me, not to let me cling to the unreal and transitory allure of Hollywood but to yield to His call to use talents for His ministry. I have been laboring in the "harvest fields of Bethlehem," searching for the "lost sheep of the House of Israel" for many, many years, since 1971, nearly all my adult life, and I have tried to tell many many "Orpahs" not to kiss the weeping Jewish widow of Bethlehem goodbye, not to stop praying for the peace of Jerusalem, not to stop speaking tenderly to her (Isaiah 40:2), not to stop giving to support her Great Commission outreach (Gal.2:10; Rom.15:25-32; I Cor.16:1-4; II Cor.chps 8-9; Acts 24:17), not to let our love grow cold and turn proud and heathen and anti-Semitic toward her (Rom.11:13-25). Genesis 12:3 says that the Elokim Emes will bless those who bless the Jewish people. Period. Over the years, many of these "Orpahs" I have spoken to (some were male, some female) have not had ears to hear or eyes to see what I was saying about Genesis 12:3. For example, when I invited them to a Messianic Passover Seder, I might as well have been inviting them to a day at the Snake Zoo. It didn't seem to matter to them that the Elokim Emes was blessing me and blessing me and blessing me and blessing me and blessing me and blessing me. These "Orpahs" couldn't see it. If I told them (which is true) that the play I wrote, THE RABBI FROM TARSUS, is being performed in Australia right now, that wonderful Genesis 12:3 blessing didn't seem to matter to them. If I told them about a hundred Genesis 12:3 blessings like that given to me, it didn't seem to move them. In Genesis 12:3 the Elokim Chayim says that He will bless those who bless the Jewish people. Either believe it like Ruth (who became a grandmother ancestor of David and our Moshiach) or doubt it like Orpah. But why not read the book of Ruth in the Hebrew Bible and see what I'm talking about for yourself? In any case, you can see that this page is filled with Genesis 12:3 blessings given to me. And these are also yours for the taking, unless like Orpah you decide to kiss the weeping widow of Bethlehem goodbye. I pray you don't make that mistake. I pray that the Elokim Chayim will prevent you from doing so, as He did me in His great grace and in His magnificent mercy. Praise His Holy Name forever! Baruch Hashem! Thank you for visiting this website and thereby doing a "Ruth" thing, while the world does its "Orpah" thing. And may the Genesis 12:3 blessing catch up with you today and may you not be able to run so fast that it doesn't overtake you today and fill you with joy! Amen. (And remember, when you tell anyone, Jew or non-Jew, about the Elokim Chayim of Israel and His Moshiach, you are blessing His People with a blessing that will also return to bless you as well!) Dr. Phil Goble President, Artists For Israel International