The Orthodox Jewish Brit Chadasha © 1996 by Artists For Israel International

New York, New York 10163. All rights reserved



Sha'ul a Shliach of Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach Yehoshua through the ratzon Hashem [1:9] and Timotiyos the Ach b'Moshiach;

|2| to the Kadoshim in Colossae, the Achim b'Moshiach, the Achim HaNe'emanim. Chen v'Chesed Hashem to you and shalom from Elohim Avinu.

|3| Hodinu l'Hashem (we give thanks to Hashem) Elohim HaAv of Adoneinu Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach Yehoshua, davening always concerning you,

|4| having heard of your emunah in Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach Yehoshua and the ahavah which you have for all the Kadoshim

|5| on account of the tikvah (hope) being laid up for you in Shomayim, the tikvah which you heard of before in the Dvar HaEmes, the Besuras HaGeulah

|6| that has come to you, as also in all the Olam Hazeh it is bearing p'ri and growing, so also in you, from the day you heard it and began to have saving da'as of the Chen v'Chesed Hashem in actuality.

|7| This you learned from Epaphras, [4:12] our chaver and fellow eved, who is ne'eman (faithful), who is a trusted keli kodesh (minister) of Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach for you.

|8| Epaphras also revealed to us your ahavah in the Ruach Hakodesh.

|9| Therefore, we also, from the day that we heard, do not cease davening for you and offering tefillos that you be filled with da'as of the ratzon Hashem [1:1] in all chochmah and binah in the Ruach Hakodesh.

|10| And this is the purpose: that you walk in hitnahagut (conduct) worthy of Adoneinu in every way pleasing to him in every mitzvoh bearing p'ri in the da'as of Hashem,

|11| with all ko'ach being empowered according to the gevurah (power) of his kavod for all zitzfleisch (patience) and savlanut (long-suffering) with lev same'ach (glad heart),

|12| giving todot to Elohim HaAv. Elohim HaAv is the One who has qualified you for the share of the allotted nachalah (inheritance, TEHILLIM 16:5-6) of the Kadoshim in Ohr (Light);

|13| Elohim HaAv is the One who rescued nafsheinu (our souls) from the memshalet (dominion) of Choshech and transferred us into the Malchut of the Ben HaElohim of his ahavah,

|14| in whom we have the pedut (redemption, Geulah release on payment of ransom), the selicha (forgiveness) of chatoteinu (our sins).

|15| Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach is the demut (BERESHIT 1:26-27; Pp 2:6) of the invisible G-d, the Bechor [TEHILLIM 89:27], the Yoresh (Heir) of kol hanivrah (all creation),

|16| because in him were created all things in Shomayim and on ha'Aretz, the visible and the nistar (hidden), whether thrones or dominions, whether rulers or authorities, all things through him and for him have been created. [TEHILLIM 33:6]

|17| And Moshiach is before all things, and all things in Moshiach have been held together; [MISHLE 8:23-27; 30:4]

|18| and Moshiach is the Rosh [MISHLE 8:22; 30:4] of the Geviyah (Body) [BERESHIT 47:18; TEHILLIM 16:9-10; YESHAYAH 53:11; IYOV 19:25-27], and the Geviyah (nevilah, DEVARIM 21:23) is Moshiach's Brit Chadasha Kehillah; Moshiach is its Reshit, the Bechor from the Mesim, that Moshiach might be in everything pre-eminent, [TEHILLIM 89:27]

|19| because Hashem was pleased that all his fullness have its mishkan (tabernacle) in Moshiach,

|20| and through Moshiach to bring ritztzuy (reconciliation, cessation of enmity/hostility between a wrathful holy G-d and sinful Bnei Adam) between all things and himself, having made shalom through the dahm of the kapparah of HaEtz HaMoshiach [DEVARIM 21:23; YESHAYAH 52:15; VAYIKRA 16:15-16], whether the things on HaAretz or the things in HaShomayim.

|21| And you, once having been alienated and oyvim (enemies) in the mind by ma'asim hara'im (evil deeds),

|22| yet now Moshiach reconciled in the Geviyah (body) [1:18] of his basar [TEHILLIM 16:9-10] through Moshiach's histalkus [DANIEL 9:26; YESHAYAH 53:8-9] to present you, Kadoshim holy and without mum (defect, VAYIKRA 22:20) and without reproach before him,

|23| provided you remain in the [correct Orthodox Jewish] Emunah [Faith, the Emunah of the true Dat HaYehudit], having been founded in it and securely established and not moving away from the tikvah (hope) of the Besuras HaGeulah which you heard, the Besuras HaGeulah which has been proclaimed in kol hanivrah (all creation) under Shomayim, the Besuras HaGeulah of which I, Rav Sha'ul, became a keli kodesh (minister).

|24| Now with lev same'ach (glad heart) and chedvah (rejoicing) I rejoice in my suffering tzoros on behalf of you. And I am mashlim (supply what is deficient) the things lacking of the Chevlei Moshiach in my basar on behalf of the basar of Moshiach [1:18] which is the Brit Chadasha Kehillah,

|25| of which I became a keli kodesh [1:23] according to the pekuddat Hashem (stewardship of G-d, his shlichus commission) which was given to me for you, to carry to shleimut (wholeness, completion) the Dvar Hashem--

|26| the raz (mystery) having been hidden from olamim and from dor v'dor, but now made manifest to the Kadoshim of Moshiach,

|27| to whom Hashem wanted to make hisgalus of what is the spiritual osher of the kavod of this raz among the non-Jews: Moshiach in you, the tikvah of kavod.

|28| It is Moshiach who is the subject of our hattafah (preaching), warning every man and teaching every man in all chochmah, that we may present every man Bnei Chayil mature in Moshiach.

|29| For this also I toil, striving according to the hitlahavut (inspiration, enthusiasm) of him working in me with gevurah.


For I want you to have da'as of how great a ma'avak (struggle) I have for you and the ones in Laodicea, and as many as have not seen me panim el panim (directly, in person),

|2| that their levavot may be given chozek (strength), having been made an aguda of ahavah and all osher (wealth) of the full assurance of binah, resulting in the da'as of the raz of Hashem, namely Moshiach,

|3| in whom is nistar (hidden) all the otzarot (treasures) of chochmah and da'as. [YESHAYAH 11:2; YIRMEYAH 23:5]

|4| This I say so that no one may delude you with the sleight of hand of the ba'al melitzot (rhetorician).

|5| For, though absent in basar, but present with you in the Ruach Hakodesh, with lev same'ach (glad heart) I am seeing your order and the firmness of your [Orthodox Jewish] emunah in Moshiach.

|6| Therefore, as you became mekabel Moshiach and received Moshiach Adoneinu Yehoshua, so let your halichah be in him,

|7| having been rooted and built up in Moshiach and being firmly founded in the emunah as you were given Messianic [orthodox] lernen [study], abounding in hodayah (thanksgiving).

|8| Beware lest there be anyone of you taken captive through philosophical tevunah (wisdom) and empty deceit according to the kabbalah (oral tradition) of mere Bnei Adam, according to the ikkarim (basic principles) of the Olam Hazeh and not according to Moshiach;

|9| because in Moshiach kol melo Elohim (all the plentitude of G-d) finds its bodily maon laShechinah (dwelling place for the Shechinah).

|10| And you have been granted melo (plentitude) in Moshiach, who is the Rosh of all rule and authority.

|11| In Moshiach also you were circumcised with a Bris Milah not made with human hands, a Bris Milah of the surgically removing of the body of the basar (old fallen and unregenerate nature) in the Bris Milah of Moshiach,

|12| having been buried in the Ohel of Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach's tevilah with him, with whom also you were made to stand up spiritually in the Techiyah together through your emunah and bitachon in the ma'aseh of Hashem who made Moshiach stand up from the mesim.

|13| And you -- being dead in your peysha'im (YESHAYAH 53:8) and your orlat basar (uncircumcision of flesh)-- he made alive together, you together with Moshiach, having granted you selicha (forgiveness) for all your peysha'im;

|14| having erased the hand-signed sefer of guilt choiv (debt), the heavenly indictment against us in the maleh chukat haTorah (full statute requirement of the Torah), which was against us. Moshiach has done away with this opposing record, having nailed it to Moshiach's Etz (DEVARIM 21:23).

|15| Having disarmed the rulers and the authorities, he made a public spectacle of them, having triumphed over them by Moshiach's Etz [DEVARIM 21:23; 27:26].

|16| Therefore, let no one judge you [Goyim] in eating and in drinking or in respect to a yom tov or a rosh chodesh or Shabbos; [VAYIKRA 23:2; DIVREY HAYAMIM ALEF 23:31]

|17| which are a shadow of the things to come in the Olam Haba; but the reality, the substance, is Moshiach.

|18| Let no one deprive you of the prize by delighting in his mystical asceticism and his veneration of malachim and delving into his chazonot (visions) and being vainly puffed up by the machshavot (thoughts) of his basar (old nature unrenewed and unregenerated by the Ruach Hakodesh),

|19| and not holding on to the Rosh, out of whom all the Moshiach's NEVELAH (DEVARIM 21:23), being fully supplied and being be'ichud (united) together through the joints and ligaments, grows with the growth of Hashem.

|20| Als (Since) you died with Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach to the ikkarim (basic principles) of the Olam Hazeh, why, as though you still belonged to the keyam (existence) of the Olam Hazeh, do you (Goyim) chain yourself to chumra legalisms?

|21| "Do not touch; do not taste; do not handle."

|22| The things referred to are all destined to deterioration with use, according to the humanly contrived mitzvot and the humanly contrived chukim (laws) of mere Bnei Adam [YESHAYAH 29:13],

|23| which things have a superficial appearance of chochmah in self-imposed religion and mystical asceticism and severe physical mortification, but are of no value against the indulgence of the basar (the old nature unrenewed and unregenerated by the Ruach Hakodesh).


If therefore you were made to stand up alive in hitkhadshut with Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach, seek the things above, where Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach is, LI'MINI ("at my right hand" TEHILLIM 110:1), sitting at the right hand of Hashem.

|2| Place your machshavot (thoughts) above (in Shomayim), not on the things of the Olam Hazeh.

|3| For you died and the Chayyim of you has become nistar (hidden, 2:3) with Moshiach in Hashem.

|4| When Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach who is Chayyeinu (our Life) is made manifest in hisgalus (revelation), then also you with him will be made manifest in hisgalus in kavod. |5| Therefore, put to death your evarim (members) in the Olam Hazeh: zenut (fornication), debauchery, sensuality, zimmah (li such things as these the charon af Hashem habah (the coming burning wrath of Hashem) is on the way.

|7| Such was your derech to fier zich (comport oneself), the derech resha'im formerly [TEHILLIM 1:6], when you were living in these things.

|8| But now you also put away all these things: ka'as (anger), rage, kavvanah ra'ah (malice), chillul Hashem (blasphemy). Put away loshon hora from your mouth.

|9| Do not speak sheker to one another, having disrobed from the Adam hakadmoni (old [unregenerated] humanity) with his ma'asim (works),

|10| and instead enrobe with the Adam HaChadash, the one being renewed in da'as in accordance with the demut (1:15; BERESHIT 1:26-27; Pp 2:6) of the one having created him.

|11| Here there is neither Yevani nor Yehudi, there is neither those who are or are not of the Bris Milah, there is no uncultured non-Greek speaker, there is no Scythian, eved, or ben chorin, but rather Moshiach is all in all.

|12| Therefore, as Bechirim (Chosen ones) of Hashem, kadoshim and ahuvim, enrobe yourselves in tender feelings of rachmei Shomayim (heavenly compassion, mercy), chesed (loving-kindness), anavah (humility), shiflut (lowliness), and savlanut (long-suffering),

|13| being soivel (bearing with) one another and extending selicha (forgiveness) to each other, if it should be that one is murmuring his complaint against another; just as Adoneinu extended selicha to you, so also you should extend selicha.

|14| And to all these things add ahavah, which is the agudah of tamimim.

|15| And let the shalom of Moshiach arbitrate in your levavot. You were called to this shalom in one NEVELAH [DEVARIM 21:23; cf geviyah, BERESHIT 47:18; cf basar, TEHILLIM 16:9-10; IYOV 19:25-27; YESHAYAH 53:11]. Let there be todah in your levavot.

|16| Let the dvar of Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach make its mishkan in you richly, in all chochmah and in all Moshiach's pnimiyus haTorah (innermost Torah teaching) and words of chizzuk, ministering to one another with Tehillim, shirim, and neshamah niggunim miRuach Hakodesh (soul melodies from the Ruach Hakodesh) with gratitude, singing in your levavot to Hashem. [TEHILLIM 47:7]

|17| And whatever thing you do, whether in dvar or in ma'aseh, do all things b'Shem Adoneinu Yehoshua, giving todot to Elohim HaAv through him [Moshiach].

|18| Nashim (wives), make yourselves accountable to your ba'alim (husbands), as is proper in Adoneinu.

|19| Ba'alim, have ahavah for your nashim and do not be bitter against them.

|20| Yeladim, obey your horim (parents) in all things, for this is well pleasing in Adoneinu.

|21| Avot, do not provoke your yeladim, lest they be disheartened.

|22| Avadim (servants), each of you obey in all things your adon according to the basar, not with eye service as pleasers of Bnei Adam, but with tom lev, with yirat Shomayim.

|23| Whatever you do, be po'alim (workers) who with their neshamah work facing Adoneinu and not Bnei Adam,

|24| having da'as that from Adoneinu you will receive the sachar of the nachalah (alloted inheritance, 1:12, TEHILLIM 16:5-6). Serve Adoneinu Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach.

|25| For the one doing wrong will be repaid for his wrong, ki ein masso panim im Hashem (for there is no respect of persons with G-d, no partiality).


Adonim (masters), treat your avadim in a manner that is yashar and even-handed, with the da'as that you also have an Adon in Shomayim. [VAYIKRA 25:43,53]

|2| Persevere in your tefillos, keeping watch while davening with todot (thanksgiving),

|3| davening together also concerning us, that G-d may open for us a delet for the Besuras HaGeulah, to speak the raz of Moshiach, on account of which also I have been bound with sharsherot (chains).

|4| Offer this tefillah: that I make known the Besuras HaGeulah as it is necessary for me to speak.

|5| Walk in chochmah toward outsiders, redeeming the time.

|6| May your lashon always be with the Chen v'Chesed Hashem, seasoned with melach (salt), so that you may have da'as how it is necessary for you to answer each one.

|7| Tychicus will tell you all the news about me; he is a beloved Ach b'Moshiach and a keli kodesh who is ne'eman (faithful), a chaver and fellow eved in Adoneinu.

|8| Tychicus I sent to you for this very reason, that you might have da'as of everything concerning us and he might impart chizzuk (strengthening /encouragement) to your levavot.

|9| With Onesimus, the Ach b'Moshiach, ne'eman and a beloved chaver, one of your kehillah, Tychicus will make known the things here.

|10| Aristarchus, my fellow prisoner, sends you Drishat Shalom. Also Markos, cousin of Bar-Nabba. You have received word klapei (concerning) Markos. If he should come to you, give him a kabbalat panim reception and be mekarev (befriend) him.

|11| Also Yehoshua, the one being called Justus. These [Aristarchus, Markos, and Justus] are the only Messianic Jews among my fellow po'alim (workers) in the Malchut Hashem. They became to me an encouragement.

|12| Epaphras sends you Drishat Shalom. He has also been mishtatef your kehillah, an eved of Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach Yehoshua, always davening, always agonizing for you in his tefillos, that you might stand Bnei Chayil mature and be fully assured in all the ratzon Hashem.

|13| For I give solemn eidus for him that he has toiled much for you and for the ones in Laodicea and for the ones in Hieraopolis.

|14| Lukas, the beloved physician, sends you Drishat Shalom, and Demas.

|15| Drishat Shalom to the Achim b'Moshiach in Laodicea and to Nymphas and the Brit Chadasha kehillah at her bais.


|16| And whenever this iggeret hakodesh (holy epistle) is read before you, make sure also that it is read in the Moshiach's Brit Chadasha Kehillah of the Laodiceans, and also you should read the iggeret hakodesh of the Laodiceans.

|17| And say to Archippus,"Give attention to the avodas kodesh ministry which you received in Adoneinu, that you fulfill it."

|18| This is my hand-signed drishat shalom greeting, SHA'UL. Remember my sharsherot (chains). Chen v'Chesed Hashem be with you.